

Sarupathar is a town and the Sub-Divisional headquarter of Dhansiri Sub-Division. Its comes under Golaghat District in the state of Assam. Population around 10,000 divided into 4 wards under Sarupathar Town committee. The Sarupathar Town Committee is responsible for the maintaining town's civic infrastructure as well as carrying out associated administrative duties.

Literacy rate of Sarupathar is 92% and the socio-economic condition of the town is depend upon the Agriculture and small skill industries. Unemployment is the main reason for the degrowth of the town. As per the census 2011 out of the total population 34.6% peoples are Main or Marginal worker and 64.4% of total populations are Non-worker/Unemployed.

Sarupathar is a town where different religions are existing with love & peace. The majority of Sarupathar's population are Hindu and it contributes 85% of total population. The second highest community is Muslim which contributes 11%. Christians are the third largest religious community here with 3% population and others 1%.

Nearest railway station is Sarupathar which is within the city. Railway is the best convenient transport facility for the inhabitants of Sarupathar . District head quarter of the town is Golaghat which is 52 km away. Bus transportation is in underdeveloped condition for the inconvenience for poor  condition of roads. Sarupathar is a town which is diverted from NH 37.
Sarupathar is part of Kaliabor Lok Sabha constituency and Sarupathar is the Legislative Assembly Constituency.

There are three government high schools and several govt. Lower Primary(LP) and Middle English (ME) Schools in the heart of Sarupathar Town. The high schools are
·         Sarupathar H S School.
·         Kalibari High School
·         Sarupathar Girls' High School. 
Sarupathar Higher Secondary School is the oldest school of Sarupathar. Founded in 1956 this school has produced excellent professionals and businessman. Sarupathar Higher Secondary School is offering Arts and Science courses.
 The private english medium schools are also having good record of producing excellence.
The biggest and the oldest college is the Sarupathar College which was established in 1970. Sarupathar College, affiliated to Dibrugarh University having good results by offering Arts and Commerce courses.

Sarupathar is having a strong role in Indian History of Independence. The Son of Sarupathar Swahid Kushal Konwar was an Indian (Assamese) freedom fighter who was hanged during last phase of the Quit India Movement.

Sarupathar is rich with natural resources like Petroleum. Gholapani is the place comes under the Jurisdiction of Sarupathar identified and  intended drilling wells for Petroleum products.
